16 February 2014

LIST: Nine's 9

To celebrate the birthday of Christopher "One Series" Eccleston, my favourite (and first) Doctor, I thought I'd compose a list similar to the one I did for Matt Smith, here. The score is this: I pick my favourite nine episodes (not stories) from Nine's era and sum up my thoughts on them in nine words.

9. Rose
written by Russell T Davies | directed by Keith Boak

Snappy, stylish introduction to the Doctor and Rose's worlds.

8. The End of the World
written by Russell T Davies | directed by Euros Lyn

Outrageous fun with impressive direction and an enormous budget.

7. Aliens in London
written by Russell T Davies | directed by Keith Boak

One of the best-plotted and -paced episodes this century.

6. The Empty Child
written by Steven Moffat | directed by James Hawes

Creepy atmospheric wartime thriller, just what the Doctor ordered.

5. The Unquiet Dead
written by Mark Gatiss | directed by Euros Lyn

Ghosts, Victorian times, dark cellars? It's gotta be Gatiss.

4. Bad Wolf
written by Russell T Davies | directed by Joe Ahearne

A fusion of great ideas, writing, direction and acting.

3. The Doctor Dances
written by Steven Moffat | directed by James Hawes

Moffat used all his best ideas first, simply superb.

2. The Parting of the Ways
written by Russell T Davies | directed by Joe Ahearne

The greatest finale so far, it cements Eccleston's legacy.

1. Boom Town
written by Russell T Davies | directed by Joe Ahearne

Eccleston, Piper, Barrowman, Clarke, Badland, Davies and Ahearne.

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