Philip Lawrence is a writer and actor who's probably familiar to readers of this website primarily for scripting the Doctor Who stories Question Marks and Little Doctors as well as running the ever-popular Action Figure Theatre. His acting career has spanned genres and media, with TV roles in Threesome and ITV Real Crime Dramas. On stage, he's recently starred in Privates on Parade, Not the Droids You're Looking For (which he also wrote) and served as an understudy for the whole Horrible Histories cast over two national tours.
PL: Hello, my name is Philip Lawrence, I'm a writer, and I thought this
was my Monday evening. If you really want ownership I could let you have it - but
don't change the name.
Oh, go on then. Ah, Philip
Lawrence, I remember now! I suppose you want to talk about Doctor Who then?
I'll talk about anything.
That's lucky! Let's start with
the basics. The last time I spoke to you - in an official capacity - for Doctor Who
Online at the end of 2011, you cited The
Robots of Death as your favourite story. Is that still the case?
Certainly nothing New Who has topped it, but I'd have to say The Web of Fear has certainly not
And if pressed, could you pick a
favourite Doctor and companion?
Ouch, those thumb screws are a bit tight! I think I'd have to say
Colin and Nicola. I think it's a nostalgia thing more than anything else. They
were my team when I got into Doctor Who
for the last time (that last time has never stopped of course!)
I wouldn't say they had the best stories and their chemistry could
have been handled a bit better but I do certainly get a thrill out of seeing
the figures on my shelf.
I get the same thing with Chris
and Billie (and to an extent Barrowman). I think the love of the team you grew
up with is hard-wired into all of us at some level, isn't it?
Well my first were Tom and Louise, but I don't have the same
affection for them, weirdly. I adore Hartnell too of course and if I had to
pick a single companion to go with him it'd be Sara.
First off, thanks for the great review.
I was emailed by Michael Stevens, the script editor on the new Short
Trips series, and asked for some pitches. He'd been given my name by David
Richardson and he seemed aware of the AFT stuff I'd done too.
I sent him a handful of ideas and Little
Doctors was one that stuck for him and he asked for a synopsis, which I
duly delivered.
After he read it, he asked for a few tweaks. I think the original
idea was to have the little Doctors generated from some kind of rock but
apparently this had already been done in Stephen Baxter's The Wheel of Ice, so he suggested the idea of a supercomputer.
It was also originally set on Earth so for the next draft, I took it
far out to the colony, called it Olympos and named the computer Zeus. With
hindsight, I could have played more with the Greek analogies.
It just goes to show how hard it is to come up with new ideas for
Doctor Who.
I liked the insular nature of the
colony, and having a mad supercomputer suppressing the population it was
created to aid is a very typical but surprisingly unexplored Doctor Who story. In fact, it's surprising that the
Troughton era didn't really have an antagonist of that nature.
True. It would have been easy to produce such a villain. All you need
is a voice. I guess The Mind Robber
comes close.
Yes, that's probably the closest.
Were there any other major changes across the writing of this?
I had been told originally that it would
be read by Wendy Padbury. That's why it's more of a Zoe story. Jamie is very
much sidelined. If I'd known it would be read by Frazer, I'd have addressed
that or written a Jamie-centric episode.
As it happens a lot of the Zoe character stuff was watered down
between drafts. In my head, as well as trying to be a comedy (Doctor Who does Gremlins) I wanted to show some progression in Zoe as she's forced
to overcome her own reliance on logic to 'teach' Zeus. I'm not sure how much of
that comes across in the final piece.
Yes, I liked the conscious
references from Zoe speaking out against thinking totally logically. It's a
trait that suddenly changes in her across Series 6, so it's nice to have that
gap plugged, thanks!
It's there also in the fact that her heart skips a beat when she
thinks of the TARDIS but she doesn't realise why until the end of the story.
She learns along with Zeus.
Yes, these were all things I
thought were very clever, and suited her down to the ground. It must have been
thrilling to get the email inviting you to pitch?
Yeah absolutely. It's always lovely to get work (obviously) but it's
also a bit nerve-wracking pitching ideas and trying to come up with something
that's exciting, new and imaginative but that still fits Doctor Who. Fortunately the replies are always constructive even if
some pitches are unsuccessful.
I do have another one out this year and one more for (I think) 2016
so I'm not going anywhere just yet.
That's great news. But your
writing career do of course span far beyond the realms of Big Finish. Aside
from the recent Not The Droids You're Looking For, what else have you been
working on?
Nothing that's really out there yet. I have done several plays and
some other bits and pieces for radio and theatre but most of my stuff at the
moment are spec scripts, trying to build up a body of work to take to agents,
producers and script editors.
I'm very lucky that everything I've written so far has been performed
in one way or another but it means I don't have anything in the drawer when
people ask.
I'm sure that's more desirable than the reverse situation! I've found your ambition to write a
substantial amount every day quite inspiring. How tightly have you stuck to it?
With varying degrees of success. Things often get in the way. I do
write something every day, and I still
always have a notebook on me.
I've just finished the first draft of a screenplay by doing just 25
minutes every day. I think I started it on January 11th. It's a good discipline
to try and stick to. It does reap rewards, especially when you're busy.
And I've got lots of other things I want to write this year.
Well let's hope the Philip Lawrence
masterpiece isn't too far away then. If you had to choose from writing, directing or
acting, which would you do for the rest of your life?
I don't consider myself a director by any means. I've done what some
may consider directing, but it's not something I'd actively pursue or consider
myself remotely good at.
However I am a bit of a control freak so I'd say writing. Acting is
amazing but as versatile as (I think) I am, there are only so many characters I
can portray. Writing allows me to be anyone and anything. I think also, though
it's just as overcrowded a profession as acting, I think there are more
opportunities to be creative and get work.
Absolutely. So would you have any
tips for budding writers looking to get their first commission?
Learn to do it. Read books about it, do courses, read blogs. But also
learn by DOING IT! Don't wait for the right moment, just get on and learn while
doing it.
And be diverse. Don't pour your heart and soul into one life's work.
Write loads of things until you find your voice and realise what it is you
specifically need to say.
Let other people read your stuff and take feedback and criticism. If
you can't take feedback, and act on it you have no chance.
Rewrite. Nothing comes first time. Every line, every word needs to be
examined. Is it exactly right?
And finally: plan. Do a synopsis first, work out your story before
you write it. And even then, you don't have to sit down and right it out from
first line to last. Dip in and out. Start with chapter 10. Skip sections that
you're struggling on and come back to them later.
You should be a teacher!
Erm, yes I'm quite passionate about this writing lark. I guess above
all, just DO IT. Don't wait for permission.
There is one more story that hasn't been posted and I will get round
to it one day. It just isn't a finale, it never was. It ends on a flippin'
If I'd had time to decide, ‘OK, I'm not doing it any more’, I'd have
written a proper send off, wrapping up the story strands that I'd left
dangling. Every so often I do try and think of a one-shot story I could do to
cap it all off.
At the risk of rubbing salt into any wounds, there are some stories
that I'd written that I never got round to making like a second McGann series
and a War Doctor trilogy. I am considering a short story if the FB group gets
500 likes (we're about 6 away I think) [link] but it's all a question of
priorities and timing.
I guess the short answer is 'no, not at the moment'. But you know me,
I never like to say never.
Fair enough. I think when it
comes down to it, we'd all rather you got something on screen or stage
than an action figure comic. One final question: if you had a one-way trip in
the TARDIS anywhere, where would you go?
Oooh good question! I think last time I was asked this I said back to
the '70s to save the missing Doctor Who episodes. Since it's a one-way trip I
guess I'd head to a simpler time. I always have had a fondness for Roman times.
I'd stock up on modern medicines before heading off though!
Plug plug plug...
Plug! I guess it'd be my most recent project, for Lost Theatre's 5
Minute Festival. Not The Droids You're Looking For is a five minute play about
life, friendship and science fiction. It was a great piece to work on, both as actor and
writer. I'm very proud of it and lots of people have told me they relate to it. Which is nice. [watch it below]
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